
Analysis of anatomical data in the original papers[1,2]
and improvement in this tool

[ English / Japanese ]

Several ambiguous or questionable descriptions are found in the original papers[1,2]. These descriptions are not improved in the database[3]. Instead of improvement, the comment indices "wf[1-33]", "wt[1-3]" and "af[1-15]" are attached to the corresponding data.

comment index explanation data file
wf[1-33] README_WF.txt synapse_WF.txt
wt[1-3] README_WT.txt synapse_WT.txt
af[1-15] README_AF.txt synapse_AF.txt

On anatomical data in the original papers[1,2], detailed analysis is summarized in the report[4]. Improvements of some erroneous descriptions are proposed in the section 2 of the report. When the synaptic connectivity is computed in this tool, these improvements are adopted. In addition, the followings are also adopted according to the comment indices.
  • For "wf5" and "wf6", particular attention is paid to avoid double-counting of gap junctions.
  • For "wf13", the reference neuron of the half of the corresponding synapses is not RIPL, but RIPR.
  • For "wf25", the partner neuron is not RMVDL, but RMDVL.
  • For "af1", the synapse types of I2L and NSM[L,R] are "S"(Send), and those of M4 and MC[L,R] are "M"(Muscle synapse).
  • For "af5", the partner of the muscle synapse is decided according to the corresponding figure in the original paper[2]. However this decision is very ambiguous.

  1. J. G. White, E. Southgate, J. N. Thomson and S. Brenner, "The Structure of the Nervous System of the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans", Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London, B 314 (1986) 1-340.
  2. D. G. Albertson and J. N. Thomson, "The Pharynx of Caenorhabditis elegans", Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London, B 275 (1976) 299-325.
  3. K. Oshio, Y. Iwasaki, S. Morita, Y. Osana, S. Gomi, E. Akiyama, K. Omata, K. Oka and K. Kawamura, "Database of Synaptic Connectivity of C. elegans for Computation", Technical Report of CCeP, Keio Future, No.3, (2003) Keio University.
  4. K. Kawamura, "Analysis of anatomical data in 'The Mind of Worm'", (2005) Keio University.

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